My name is Teri Pomerantz and I’d like to welcome you to Swirl Etudes. I started this company to reach as many movers (and shakers!) as possible, and to help increase awareness of what works best for each of our bodies. In our current climate of global change, how do we move with the times, sustain our overall health and stay in shape for ourselves and the people we love? Part of our healing process is to keep moving, open ourselves to a new vision, and create a sustainable future. I’m excited to use this as a platform for movement exploration and conscious wellness education.
My own journey started quite young. I’ve always loved to dance and participate in almost any sport! I was an avid tennis and volleyball player, skier, and yoga enthusiast early on. During my 20s I started to dance, which helped me to be more self-aware of my body. This was and would become my greatest passion over the next 25 years as I explored self-expression more fully. From the joy I found in dance, and my desire to continue teaching throughout my lifetime, I became increasingly curious about the mechanics of movement and how to best regenerate one’s overall health. I just know that by joining me on this journey you’ll gain incredible insights into your own body’s needs and room for growth. If you’d like to follow our discovery and tips, please join our mailing list!